Neopolitana (Original)
Whilst walking up a dimly lit street in Naples, Italy, a local came zooming down on her moped beeping her horn, scattering pedestrians, all whilst lighting a cigarette and chatting away on a mobile phone jammed into her helmet, itself being charged straight from the battery. "How Italian can you get" my son said to me. So here she is: Neopolitana.
Whilst walking up a dimly lit street in Naples, Italy, a local came zooming down on her moped beeping her horn, scattering pedestrians, all whilst lighting a cigarette and chatting away on a mobile phone jammed into her helmet, itself being charged straight from the battery. "How Italian can you get" my son said to me. So here she is: Neopolitana.
Whilst walking up a dimly lit street in Naples, Italy, a local came zooming down on her moped beeping her horn, scattering pedestrians, all whilst lighting a cigarette and chatting away on a mobile phone jammed into her helmet, itself being charged straight from the battery. "How Italian can you get" my son said to me. So here she is: Neopolitana.