What colours does live music look like. I went to see Hyeyoon Park the solo violinist. First thing the morning after I painted this, palette knife only. Wow - she brought the music to life - with rich glowing blues and violets, deep mysterious blues and reds, and glowing whites and yellows to make your hairs stand on end.

53 - Hyeyoon Park

56 x 46 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Lock away your childhood and throw away the key, now the streets and city sights will burn your eyes as coals, you could not imagine that it could happen this way, could you?

49 - Guapa: city sights will burn

56 x 46 cm mixed media on stretched canvas.

Valentines couple arm in arm with each other, their love glowing in the warmth of the sun. What colours would you choose for your lover and you?

52 - Valentines arm in arm

30 x 24 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Doubly inspired by my granddaughter: firstly thinking that every human is a work of art and secondly the drawing she did that day reminded me of a beautiful pond with reeds growing and fireflies zipping backwards and forwards - have a look at yourself and breathe

45 - You are the Art: breathe

41 x 51 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Imagine two people with a force of attraction to each other, one beautifully golden with deep mysterious veins, one deeply mysterious with golden warm veins, and then their first kiss, exploding a spark over a multitude of colour in their minds.

2 - First Kiss

36 x 46 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

The person trapped in the bottle is symbolic of the glass wall preventing all communications getting through when a person is an alcoholic. They want help but cannot ask for it. Others want to help but cannot get through to them.

6 - Trapped

51 x 41 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

One morning I stood on a corner in the CBD of Adelaide and was struck by the fact that everyone I saw was carrying a take-away coffee on their way to work. It was like no person was able to get to work without being carried by their coffee.

13 - You and your coffee

30x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Vivid’s light festival explosion of colour. SpiritGlow acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land and waters upon which Vivid Sydney is hosted and offer our respect to their Elders both past and present.

5 - Fireworks Sydney

30 x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Your darkened eyes throw mystery, but your lips are void of history, you could not imagine that it could happen this way, could you?

46 - Guapa: eyes throw mystery

56 x 46 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

My friends Rebecca and Matt hosted me at their beach house at Carrickalinga in South Australia on a couple of occasions. It is a beautiful seaside villa with a great beach. I painted this as a thank you for them to put on a wall in their villa, or in the trash if they wanted

1 - Carrickalinga

30 x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

The end of the road. "Tich cu'c" is "postive" in Vietnamese. A couple in love at the end of their long road with a difficult ending but with such beautiful positivity. Gifted to my friends Alice and Jess.

9 - Tich cu'c

30 x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Black tree on colourful background, beautiful but sharing a possible irony that the tree is black and the world it is surrounded by is full of colour.

8 - Tree of Life

30 x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Passion or pain or both at the same time? Inspired by my neice's strength whilst going through the early stages of discovery of a tumour.

10 - Passion or Pain

61 x 41 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

The magical world of colour that Stick Man inhabits. Inspired by my granddaughters colourful scribble one day (she was just one and a half) and her dad's contribution of her favourite characters at that time.

16 - Sylvie number one: Stick Man

60 x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

40 - I am Giant

Inspired by a line from a song by Calvin Harris and Rag N Bone Man, "I am giant, stand up on my shoulders, tell me what you see, 'cause I am a giant, we'll be breaking boulders, underneath our feet”. Who would be on your shoulders if you were giant? This is me with my granddaughter Sylvie on my shoulders, or, it is me lifting the folk in the Gaza strip out of their strife: the partial Arabic words translate as "You'll never walk alone".

100 x 50 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Whilst walking up a dimly lit street in Naples, Italy, a local came zooming down on her moped beeping her horn, scattering pedestrians, all whilst lighting a cigarette and chatting away on a mobile phone jammed into her helmet, itself being charged straight from the battery. "How Italian can you get" my son said to me. So here she is: Neopolitana.

17 - Neopolitana

59 x 42 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Doyntij-Doyntij is Nyoongar for together - I was astounded by the love and passion with which Alice (in blue) gave Jess (in purple) throughout her cancer treatment when Jess had a 14 inch diameter tumour removed. Gifted to my friends Alice and Jess.

12 - Doyntij-Doyntij

40 x 30 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

11 - Strong

Fierce strength and beauty of a woman's inner spirit can sometimes be hard to behold.

30 x 20 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Who wouldn’t love to dance the night away during Christmas. Gifted to my nephew and wife, Joe and Gail

15 - Christmas - dance the night away

30 x 21 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Two friends together hand in hand. One a toddler, one her uncle. The grown up knowing they have total responsibilty for another little human. The toddler placing all their trust in the grown up. A team. Gifted to my son Josh.

25 - Me and you

60 x 40 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Inspired by Australian indiginous tribesfolk who to this day draw maps on cave walls to educate their children on the best ways to travel thousands of miles.

28 - Dreamtime: this is the way

42 x 30 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

The power of imagination kindled by my granddaughter (age two and a half) whilst at ballet being taught to imagine lighting a fire by waving some ribbons around, and she was seriously into it!!!

24 - Light a fire

56 x 46 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Inspired by watching my granddaughter draw and thinking that actually every human is a work of art - have a look

43 - You are the Art: curl

51 x 41 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

We shall drink the oldest wine, velvet skies will linger, child, you're a woman and your heart and soul are free, you could not imagine that it could happen this way, could you?

48 - Guapa: a woman now

56 x 46 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Imagine that you are the scenery and all you can do is watch the world go by. We must all feel like that at times. This cold scene is crying a stream whilst watching on in silence. Are the tears happy or sad?

7 - Frozen tears

56 x 76 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

27 - Little Red

The fire of passion bringing warmth and fire to your soul.

46 x 56 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Two lovers, lost in thoughts for each other on the edge of a lake at midnight. Gifted to my lover Heather

19 - Lovers moonlit kiss

36 x 28 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Christmas can be a time for many things - remembering folk no longer with us for example - but it can also be a time for new beginnings: I gifted this to my partner on our very first meeting on 20th December. Gifted to my partner Heather.

14 - Christmas - new beginnings

40 x 21 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

35 - Christmas - playtime

Christmas can be a time for many things - watching the snow cover ground and trees - and playing in it !!!

30 x 23 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

42 - Dreamtime: the way

Dreamtime: the way, imagines a moment in the creation of the world, either spiritual or physical. (Dreamtime is an indigenous aboriginal core belief system that describes the creation of the world and the role of ancestor spirits).

24 x 30 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

Sometimes I look at scenes of multi-storey offices and apartments as a wasteland of human effort. But is it really?

18 - Wasteland

30 x 20 cm acrylic on stretched canvas.

51 - Spirit Glow

The creation of a name and logo for my little art adventure was inspired by the Noongar tribe of Western Australia who believe that in order for a deceased person to reach the next place, their spirit must be taken there on the back of a whale.

SpiritGlow acknowledges the Noongar peoples of Western Australia, the traditional owners of the land and waters and offer our respect to their Elders both past and present.

46 x 56 cm mixed media on stretched canvas.

55 - Burano - colourful reflections

Burano in February - so colourful. My own black and white photograph, printed, then overlayed with acrylic.

30 x 40 cm Print and Acrylic on stretched canvas.

Venice in February - a wonderful city. My own black and white photograph, printed, then overlayed with acrylic.

54 - Venice - the wonders

40 x 30 cm Print and Acrylic on stretched canvas.

Venice - there is colour down every alleyway. My own black and white photograph, printed, then overlayed with acrylic.

56 - Venice - there is light

30 x 20 cm Print and Acrylic on stretched canvas.